
winterskol fireworks

“What is Winterskol?” my riders ask. Literally it’s “a toast to Winter” but really- it’s a little party we cooked up for that January lull right after Christmas.

“Cooking”-which brings me to my favorite Winterskol event: SoupSKOL!

IMG_4663Our local restaurants get together and compete for the best soup. The public votes with orange spoons in soup kettles. (Let me tell you green chili makes a lovely handwarmer on a cold evening.)

Here’s our Winterskol King and Queen Tom and Jody Cardamone judging the soup (using sorbet as a palette cleanser between spoonfuls)


This year’s winner was Meat and Cheese with a coconut based soup which made us all think of taking time out on the beach.

Don’t miss the snow carving on the mall…IMG_4670

…. actually I think the “leftovers” make a great snowball fort




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