Winter miles, summer miles

tesla milage range

“How far can you go on a charge?”

Every time a rider asks that question I pause and think. “How can I explain this easily?” Riders may think they’re taking a test ride in a Tesla but really I’m testing  my ability to explain what electric car ownership in the mountains really means.

Here’s the deal, there are summer miles and there are winter miles. Winter miles are harder on the batteries- by a long shot.

Here’s a pic I took of the dash yesterday afternoon. The battery is showing 211 miles left in the charge. In summer this would be true. In fact in summer I could probably get a bit more mileage out of that charge.

tesla battery guage
tesla battery gauge

But there is another graph to watch which predicts how much range you have at your current energy usage. This is the real mileage estimate given the last 30 miles of driving. This is what the “watts per mile” gauge with projected range on the touch screen says at the same time the battery is reading 211 miles:

tesla milage range
tesla mileage range

That’s 117 miles vs 211 miles.

Big difference.

So, what are the factors which contribute to this? First off, batteries hate cold. Even when I’m storing the Tesla overnight in the studio plugged in the cold still sucks life out of the battery.

There is less regenerative charging when the batteries are cold. There is a lot of up and down in the mountains and during summer I can use that to my advantage. Every time I go downhill I put juice into the batteries… but not so much in winter. Tesla has a safety feature when the batteries are cold which limits regenerative braking.

Friction. Snow tires are soft, winter roads are bumpy, the wheel wells fill up with snow easily and need to be power washed. All of these factors add friction which reduces efficiency.

If the batteries are cold, so am I. Yes, I’m running the heat in the car. Tesla will remind you that it uses less energy to warm your seat than your entire car but that does not keep the frost off the windows. Running the “climate” control on high and turning the fan down is the only way I’ve found to keep the windscreen clear.

“How far can you go on a charge?”

“Well, that depends, on summer miles or winter miles…”

week 1

Uber Tesla in Aspen

“This is the nicest Uber I’ve ever been in…wow a Tesla” Yep, those were the first words from almost every one of my 59 rides last week. I have to agree. I love my Tesla. I love to share that love with my riders.

Summing up the first week as an Uber driver in Aspen… well, it ain’t New York. FYI, yes, I did drive a cab in New York in the 80’s and some things are the same and some things are very different.

The riders have been terrific (especially Cabo the Cocker Spaniel- what a cutie- sorry- no pix Cabo is shy). They’ve been a diverse crowd and that’s what we expect in Aspen. Riders came from 5 Continents China, Colombia, France, Pakistan, Australia, Canada …

Uber Tesla in Aspen
Uber Tesla in Aspen

…. visitors from all over the USA, Floridians escaping the snowbirds, Texas Oil Company guys checking out the electric car, Los Angelenos doing the  last minute round trip to LA before Christmas , and many from my old stomping grounds- folks from NYC (“Have you eaten at Red Farm on Hudson?” “Yes!” “The oysters with Myer Lemon!” followed by a moment of silence as we both remember that appetizer.. which I tell you…is … oh my.)

So wait- what about the Tesla in the snow you say? My 2013 Model S isn’t all wheel and the roads have been pretty darn slick. Yep, I need to channel my 1960’s driving style and slow down a bit and use a little more caution but this is by far the best rear wheel drive vehicle I’ve ever driven. In fact that’s a quote from one of my riders as we were driving on Owl Creek road “This is the best rear wheel drive car I’ve ever been in.”  That it is.

I’ve made trips to Eagle Airport and Beaver Creek when the planes were delayed. Thank you to my very patient riders who opted to wait for a recharge in Glenwood Springs at the Tesla Supercharger.

The major difference between driving in NYC and Aspen? Well, while the car is recharging at the Rio Grande garage I can ride the gondola for a top to bottom on Ajax with a quick stop to grab a coffee and strudel at Bonnies  and then go back to driving.

Look for the Z3RO-G plates – your Uber Tesla in Aspen.


Christmas Shred

These guys now how to POW!


I picked them up in front of Victoria’s on Christmas morning with skis and coffee in hand.

Victoria's Cafe Aspen Colorado
Victoria’s Cafe Aspen Colorado

Those lovely fat powder skis went on the ski rack and off we went to Highlands. Hope you had some great laps on the bowl guys!

Here’s a quick 2015  youtube of Highlands Bowl (pretty close to conditions yesterday).


Take an Uber Tesla to Highlands and shred with style.


driving through the snow… in a warm and cozy Tesla….


We had a little of the fluffy stuff yesterday and more today.picture-2

That meant some of our flights out of Aspen Airport were grounded. That meant two round trips to the Eagle/Vail airport yesterday.

The first trip was fine with the charge on the batteries but the second round trip needed a recharge. Fortunately for the Tesla there is a supercharger in Glenwood Springs (40 miles from Aspen) which makes this type of range in the winter possible. The supercharger can cycle up to 95 amps which means recharging the batteries at over 230 miles in an hour. Translation- recharge in 50 minutes which is perfect for a snack at one of the restaurants on Market Street.

So yes, Tesla does do winter even if it means driving a little slower and stopping for snacks.

Climate-CAB your Tesla Taxi in Aspen.


Climate-CAB coming soon to Aspen Colorado

Your carbon neutral Tesla Taxi in Aspen Colorado.
Ride the Green, ski the black.


This is an exciting time at Climate-Cab. When things are starting up it’s a blank canvas and we can form the service to meet your needs… so we’re asking for your help:

What would you like to see in a taxi service?

What would you like to see in a Green Taxi service?

What would you like to see in an Aspen Taxi service?
