Climate Strike! and West Slope Reality check.

Here are a few pictures from our Climate Strike in Aspen September 20, 2019.

All rides were free on Climate Strike Day.
The kids marched to Paepcke Park from school and then on to City Hall
Stormin’ City Hall…
Welcomed by Mayor Torre
Joining the Global Climate Strike protests.

It was a sharp contrast to the Grand Junction Club 20 meeting the next day which was a strong “all of the above” for energy message from the guest speakers who gave lip service to renewables (that *is* progress) but continued to push coal and natural gas while dismissing “the green new deal” as sloganizing without substance (“they’ll get rid of airplanes!”). The relocation of the BLM to Grand Junction was met with wild applause- even though there were those who wondered if leaving DC would weaken the department’s bargaining power and who were aware that although the offices have been leased as of Nov 1 (tucked in nose to tail in the same building with fossil fuel companies) congressional funds have not been allocated for the move. There was no mention of the Climate Strike but only stern looks and tight set jaws recounting the number of jobs lost when fossil fuels move out of the region. The silent cloud of blame was placed on renewables not on automation or market forces. Sell the Natural Gas to Japan to weaken China was the message (something we heard from the previous administration selling the Natural Gas to Europe to weaken Russian). The popular reaction in this audience was to double down on coal and to scramble for other mining markets in rare earths and uranium. I was told I could power my Tesla with vanadium… “at any gas station” just like a car. Well, no, but it might improve all those batteries in the bottom of the car…

The struggle is real and the front lines are here. There will be no progress without economic justice which includes the rural United States .

This is just my opinion.

New Superchargers for the West Slope

Light gray markers show superchargers “coming soon”

Red markers show existing superchargers for Teslas

Dark gray markers are existing chargers for Teslas and other EVs

This Supercharger in Silverthorne is a familiar and welcome stop but the network is expanding to make the Western Slope very Tesla friendly. We just had a row of tesla chargers installed in the Inn at Aspen parking lot  (these are limited to 72KW but still very welcome and will free up the  three local  Chademo DC options for the other electric cars).  The new charger at Poncha Springs makes that back road to Santa Fe a tantalizing possibility especially if that Alamosa one appears; and the “coming soon” options at Montrose , Telluride and Steamboat should make cruising between my favorite mountain towns a breeze. Now if we could just have a lifetime all West Slope ski pass as part of that Tesla purchase…..



Monday was a lovely day to go over Independence Pass with a short stop at the Continental Divide 12,095′ sign… as everyone does….

Although there is normally a lot more snow at the top it was still lush green meadows dotted with small patches of snow under Colorado blue skies. There were a few wildflowers left by the road and I suspect there are more in the valleys.

Independence is always beautiful no matter which direction you look.

One of the things which really astonishes me is how much electricity is generated in the Tesla by going downhill.

Returning to Aspen at Twin Lakes I had 200 miles in the battery.

At the top of the Pass I was down to 182 miles in the battery.

By the time I was back in Aspen the regenerative brakes had produced 13 miles of charge- leaving 195 miles in the battery. That’s a total of 5 miles of battery charge  (200 in Twin Lakes , 195 in Aspen) to drive the 36 miles of Independence Pass.


Happy trails.


I do love this car.



Is Tesla a luxury car?

uber tesla

Uber Tesla in Aspen
Uber Tesla

There is a roadblock to a Tesla limo in Colorado.

Uber Tesla has been an adventure and doubtless it will continue to be full of surprises. One of the most interesting twists is that Tesla is not considered a luxury vehicle which means it does not qualify as an Executive Car or a Limousine in Colorado.

Five smooth stones…. because it sure feels like David vs Goliath