It’s turning into a trend – and a nice one at that.

Yesterday morning with 14″ of freshies on the mountain for the last day of the 2016 XGames

XGames Aspen 2016
XGames Aspen 2016

my first ride was  DJ Snake.

DJ Snake X Games Aspen 2016
DJ Snake X Games Aspen 2016

Pow during the day…

Freshies in Aspen January 31 2016
Freshies in Aspen January 31 2016

and Belly up at night…

and this morning…. more of the same…





winterskol fireworks

“What is Winterskol?” my riders ask. Literally it’s “a toast to Winter” but really- it’s a little party we cooked up for that January lull right after Christmas.

“Cooking”-which brings me to my favorite Winterskol event: SoupSKOL!

IMG_4663Our local restaurants get together and compete for the best soup. The public votes with orange spoons in soup kettles. (Let me tell you green chili makes a lovely handwarmer on a cold evening.)

Here’s our Winterskol King and Queen Tom and Jody Cardamone judging the soup (using sorbet as a palette cleanser between spoonfuls)


This year’s winner was Meat and Cheese with a coconut based soup which made us all think of taking time out on the beach.

Don’t miss the snow carving on the mall…IMG_4670

…. actually I think the “leftovers” make a great snowball fort

