
Monday was a lovely day to go over Independence Pass with a short stop at the Continental Divide 12,095′ sign… as everyone does….

Although there is normally a lot more snow at the top it was still lush green meadows dotted with small patches of snow under Colorado blue skies. There were a few wildflowers left by the road and I suspect there are more in the valleys.

Independence is always beautiful no matter which direction you look.

One of the things which really astonishes me is how much electricity is generated in the Tesla by going downhill.

Returning to Aspen at Twin Lakes I had 200 miles in the battery.

At the top of the Pass I was down to 182 miles in the battery.

By the time I was back in Aspen the regenerative brakes had produced 13 miles of charge- leaving 195 miles in the battery. That’s a total of 5 miles of battery chargeĀ  (200 in Twin Lakes , 195 in Aspen) to drive the 36 miles of Independence Pass.


Happy trails.


I do love this car.